15 March 2021

Condensed matter school on “Topological Quantum Matter: theory and applications”

Condensed matter school on “Topological Quantum Matter: theory and applications”

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a condensed matter school on “Topological Quantum Matter: theory and applications”. It will be founded by the Physics Department of the University of Genova (Italy), in the context of the “Excellence Department Award 2018-2022” of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR).

It will take place at the “Regina Elena” Hotel, Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy), (https://www.reginaelena.it) near Genova, from March 15th to 19th, 2021.

The school is conceived for young researchers and doctoral students and will cover various theoretical and experimental aspects of topological quantum matter.

A tentative list of the main topics and speakers is the following:
– Topological insulators and semimetals, (B. Trauzettel, University of Wuerzburg, confirmed)
– Topological superconductors (theory). (T. Meng, University of Dresden, confirmed)
– Topological superconductors (experiments). (E. Bocquillon, ENS Paris, confirmed)
– Time dependent engineering of topological states of matter. (D. Kennes, University of Aachen, confirmed)
– Topological Spintronics. (A. Macdonald, University of Austin, confirmed)
– TeraHertz devices for topological quantum computation. (S. Lupi, Rome University La Sapienza, confirmed)
– Experimental challenges for Majorana Quantum Wires (S. Heedt, Microsoft, confirmed)

Each topic will be covered by 4 or 5 one-hour lectures, to be held possibly in two different days, to maximize the interaction between students and lecturers.

The tentative fee will be around 400 Euros (including a double-room for the whole stay, launches, coffee-breaks and a social dinner).

We know that at present it is difficult to make long-term schedules and organize trips, but it would be a pleasure for us if students and young researchers from your group could attend it.
Moreover, we would like to ask you the favor to promote our School on the GDR Meso website.

Yours sincerely,

Dario Ferraro, Università degli studi di Genova
Daniele Marré, Università degli studi di Genova
Maura Sassetti, Università degli studi di Genova
Niccolò Traverso Ziani, Università degli studi di Genova

15 Mar 202119 Mar 2021